Formation of the sixth board of directors for the administrative period 2021-2023

held its general...
She appointed her council...
Taher was elected as its president.

Hamad Town Charity and Social Society held a general assembly meeting on Monday, March 29, 2021, which resulted in the approval of the moral and financial reports, as well as the recommendation of the candidates for membership of the Board of Directors for the sixth session..

In light of this, the Board of Directors held its first meeting on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, and began the meeting by reading Al-Fatihah for the soul of the happy deceased, Haj Muhammad Al-Hamar, and recalling his contributions and efforts during his years of volunteering in the association.

With regard to the administrative composition, the Board of Directors decided to distribute the positions as follows:

Ahmed Youssef Taher, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Abdul Karim Sabt... Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Abdul Ilah Hassan, Financial Secretary
Abdul Amir Hamadeh as Secretary.

With regard to the distribution of committees, the distribution was as follows:

Research and Orphans Committee headed by Abdul Redha Al-Khabbaz

Resource Development Committee headed by Muhammad Jamil Al-Qari
Membership and Public Relations Committee headed by Ahmed Ali Hassan
Projects Committee headed by Abbas Al-Majed
Student Support Committee headed by Ali Al-Singace
The Social and Women's Affairs Committee headed by Muhammad Abdul-Amir Al-Makhlouq
The media committee headed by Abbas Al-Mukhauder
Services Committee headed by Ali Zuweid

On this occasion, the management of the association extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to the members of the general assembly for the trust granted to them, and the board of directors hopes to complete the journey for more giving and development, including goodness and righteousness for the benefit of the needy and needy families and society

God grants success